Event Rewinds: Energy Security in a Net Zero World
Minister Ossian Smyth, Minister of State with responsibility for Public Procurement, eGovernment and Circular Economy, opened the conference.
Gabrielle Walker, author and climate strategist, gave a warmly received keynote address.
We had a spotlight session from Catherine Sheridan, COO of EIH2, focusing on the future of hydrogen in Ireland and the role it could play in Ireland's Energy security.
Panel Discussions:
Panels of industry and legal experts examined a number of topics in the context of Ireland’s energy transition.
- Offshore Energy Supply Chain
An analysis of the gaps and weaknesses in Ireland’s off-shore wind supply chain from a policy and investment perspective and what can be done about it.
- ESG Risks and Benefits
The importance of ESG to investors and the legal complexities of compliance and disclosure.
- Financing Energy Projects
Issues and considerations when financing wind (on-shore and off-shore), solar and battery/storage in Ireland in the current environment.
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