Tips for the FE-1 Exams

We asked a number of our trainees to share their top tips for those who are taking the FE-1 exams this year. Emma Butler, a trainee currently in our Real Estate team shares her advice.
Experiment with study techniques
Having effective study techniques is essential for FE-1 success. Once you’ve covered a topic, ask yourself if you can explain it in simple terms, as if you were teaching the topic to others. Another helpful technique is to study in 40 minute blocks. This helps you stay focused and take in what you’ve learned.
Condense your notes
In the weeks leading up to the exams, start condensing your notes. Try to condense your notes down to one flash card per topic. Flash cards are great for night before revision because they make revising a large chunk of topics much more manageable.
Master your exam technique
Make life easier for your examiner. During the exam, underline any case law and legislation you reference so that it stands out on the page. Follow the ILAC method (Issue – Law – Application – Conclusion) in problem questions to show the examiner that you can apply the law to the facts and give advice. A good solicitor doesn’t just understand the law but knows how to apply it to the client’s circumstances.
Know your timing
You must answer 5 question to pass. Familiarise yourself with how long to spend on each question by practicing before the exam. If helpful, write down exactly what time you plan to begin your next question, for example 10:00, 10:40, 11:20 etc to make sure you stay on track. Try to leave time at the end to fill in anything that you missed.
Stay active and take breaks
Exams put a lot of stress on your body. It’s very important to stay active and to make time for things that you enjoy. Take breaks, go for walks, schedule a workout class or meet your friends for coffee during the exam period. Above all, it is important to mind yourself.
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