MHC Intern Life: Emma O'Reilly
What inspired you to choose law?
I had the privilege to shadow a barrister when I was in 5th Year of Secondary School. I really enjoyed the experience and found law to be such an exciting area to work in. I had the opportunity to sit in on civil and criminal law cases in the Magistrates and High Courts in Belfast. I attended client meetings and got to see how clients interact with counsel. This was my first experience of what a real court case was like, and I found it to be such an interesting experience. It made me decide that a career in law would be something I would like to pursue for sure.
Where did you study and why?
I studied Law with history at UCD. I found that UCD offered a wide range of law modules which made me decide that it was the university that would suit me best. I also loved that UCD had great extracurricular activities, with societies like LawSoc organising so many annual events. The minor I studied in history was particularly useful as it allowed me to develop my research skills, which came in handy while studying law.
What department are you working with in MHC?
I’m currently working in the Construction department. It has been great to work in as it covers a wide range of areas from construction, planning to litigation. I feel like it’s given me a great insight into many different areas of law. Everyone on the team is so friendly and it’s been great to get to know them all.
What pastimes do you enjoy?
During lockdown, I developed a real passion for walking and hiking as it provides a great escape after many months spent indoors. I recently hiked Slieve Gullion in Armagh and I hope to go on many more walks over the summer. I also enjoy socialising with friends and visiting galleries. With the restrictions easing, I hope to be able to visit many more over the coming months.
What was your first job?
My first job was working in a newsagent in my hometown as a sales assistant. At 15-years-old, it gave me my first idea of how to work in a team and how to communicate effectively with different people of various backgrounds.
I once spent a summer working in Walt Disney World in Florida as a cast member. This was such a worthwhile experience as it allowed me to meet people from all over the world and I have such great memories from my time working there.
Favourite quote?
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”- Henry Ford
I think this quote is a great demonstration of the power of not giving up on something difficult, as with a positive mindset we can often achieve everything we set our minds to.
First impressions of MHC?
My first impression of MHC has been very positive. Although our internship has been virtual, I have found all the staff involved to be very friendly and helpful to all of us interns. Everyday has been different and there is always something new to learn on the internship. We have had the opportunity to attend talks with different departments, giving us a great insight into how different practice areas operate. I would recommend MHC to anyone who enjoys working in a friendly and collaborative environment.
Overall, I feel the firm has allowed me to meet so many new people and learn a lot more about what a career in law entails.
Head over to our Summer Intern Programme page or the Graduate Hub for more information.
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