Supported by Safe Ireland, The School of Social Work and Social Policy and the online unit in Trinity College have collaborated with Mason Hayes & Curran LLP to continue this new course to meet the need for specialised training for a range of practitioners who work with families and children experiencing domestic violence. This is a socio-legal module with a focus on two main practice areas.
Research Findings & Practice Guidance
Dr. Stephanie Holt, Associate Professor in Trinity College Dublin presents the research evidence on domestic violence and abuse, as it relates to Child Protection and Welfare work.
- Session 1: Domestic Violence and Children: considering the abusive home context; multiple adversities and developmental impacts
- Session 2: Domestic Violence and Children: considering the implications for parenting capacity and the post-separation period
Legal Framework for Domestic Violence & Child Protection
Sonya Bruen, Partner in the Health and Prosecutions department, Mason Hayes & Curran LLP provides practical guidance on the key legislation and how parental rights and children’s rights can be balanced in this complex area.
- Session 3: Legal framework for Domestic Violence and child protection
- Session 4: Legal thresholds for state intervention for children in domestic violence
Commences: 10 March 2023. There will be 4 sessions - 1 per week from this date.
Applications: The closing date for applications is 5pm on 24 February 2023
Cost: This course will cost €400 per participant. Group rates are available upon request.
Each session of the 4 sessions include:
- Introductory video and audio/slide presentation – 1 hour
- Interactive learning (reading/case studies/learning journal) – 6+ hours
Total 30 hours online CPD + 2 hour group workshop (optional)
All content will be online. Case studies and readings will be provided. Live online workshop and Q&A session with course facilitators at end of the course – dates to be confirmed.
• Social workers
• Members of An Garda Síochána
• Family support workers
• Domestic violence organisations
• Specialised medical / nursing professionals
• Legal Practitioners
• Social care practitioners
Learn more
To REGISTER for the course, visit the School of Social Work and Social Policy website at here.
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