Advice for Future Interns: Maurice Lane
We asked Maurice Lane to share some advice for our future interns. Maurice graduated from University College Cork, with an LLM (Business Law), and is currently studying for FE1's.
Relax and enjoy yourself
On my first day I was nothing if not nervous. It’s natural to feel anxious of course, as everyone wants to make a good first impression. However, I found that I was immediately put at ease by simply chatting with my fellow interns on arrival, who were all extremely friendly.
Once I actually began meeting staff on that first morning, they were very welcoming… and good fun! The atmosphere was just relaxed – nothing more than a chat with new people over coffee and pastries.
So, I would say to any future intern that rather than perhaps looking towards that first day with trepidation, look forward to it, as you are about to meet some great people, and be exposed to plenty of exciting work.
Say hello and have a chat with absolutely everyone
The firm believe that to be successful in a variety of areas, you have to have a variety of people and personality types. A natural consequence of this is that everyone has an interesting background and a unique perspective on life and on the work. Take full advantage of this- say hello and chat to everyone you can, you won’t regret it!
Soak in induction talks
Throughout my first week, there have been a range of talks from HR, partners, and other members of the firm. A lot of knowledge is made available to you in these talks, so I would say listen closely and take in as much as possible! I found the library resources talk to be absolutely excellent. The firm has a wealth of research resources available, so it was great to have someone guide you through the intricacies of using these. The timing of this talk was also welcome, as we have been assigned group projects which will require a fair bit of research. I also found the talk by a selection of newly qualified solicitors to be great, as they gave a real insight into the variety of work the firm engages in.
Have an open mind with your assigned department
I know a lot of people will have departments which they are drawn towards. However, you may not get assigned to that area. If that is the case, look at it as an opportunity to learn about something completely new, in an area of the law which you may in fact end up loving. Also keep in mind that there is no better firm to learn in!
Pounce on the free ice-cream
Last but not least, make sure you don’t miss out on the free ice cream in the canteen - people in the firm don’t hesitate when it comes to staking their claim!
Learn more about our internship programme.
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