We welcome 2023 as the Chinese year of the Rabbit. In Chinese culture, rabbit is the symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity. This is a great tagline and motto for 2023. In terms of longevity, Covid is still with us but is no longer the horrendous, fearful contagion and travel restrictions have been relaxed across the globe. This has improved connectively in the international business community and business relationships and partnerships have begun to flourish once again. Everyone that endured the pandemic found within themselves and their communities the strength and resources to get through the long and difficult period. We have adapted and adjusted but must now prevent complacency from setting in.
We recently released details of our turnover for 2022 announcing an increase in revenue by 8% up to €106 million. In our key focus sectors, we saw strong growth mirroring the wider economy. We increased our overall size and strength in the Irish legal market. My sincerest thanks to every one of our clients and the wonderful staff in the firm on this outcome.
With so much geo-political and macroeconomic disruption, predictions for 2023 and beyond are increasingly difficult to make. The only thing that is certain, however, is that there will be a significant amount of change which will have an impact on our collective peace and prosperity. We are acutely aware of the challenges ahead for our clients and everyone transacting business in Ireland. The spotlight is firmly on inflation and associated pressures in the labour market and the impact to the cost of doing business. In a professional services business, we understand that times are challenging and are acutely attuned to client demands and the need to deliver and out-perform service expectations. We are committed to helping our clients in pursuit of their targets and ambitions in the coming year. We also recognise the enduring need to work collaboratively with clients in order to innovate and maximize efficiencies in legal processes.
When starting out on my legal career, I did not and could not have predicted crises associated with war, terrorist attacks, major environment incidents, financial crises and a global pandemic. I often quote Baz Luhrmann "…the real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4pm some idle Tuesday…". However, it’s not just about the event that happens on that ‘Idle Tuesday’, but more importantly how you respond and react that is significant and can have a lasting impact. A life in business can be both volatile and exciting. It is a relentlessly revolving and moving tide and cycle. The Partners and staff in the firm are committed to providing exceptional legal service that adds real value when the unforeseeable occurs and affects your business.
Peace and prosperity in our community is important to us. We value our community and have an active CSR program. As a law firm, we don’t take for granted the freedoms we enjoy living in a stable democratic society. We also recognise that opportunities and success are not available or accessible by everyone in our society. In 2022, we supported as many as 30 charities, with a focus on education and access projects. This involved working with schools and community groups in our local area and beyond to reduce barriers and disadvantage. Amongst significant donations and projects was our continued support of UNICEF Ukraine emergency response; UCD Sutherland Opportunity and the Engage and Educate Fund. It was a joyous and proud moment for the firm when the latter was recognised at the Chambers Ireland Sustainable Business Impact Awards, where we received top honours in the Diversity & Inclusion category.
On behalf of all the Partners and staff at Mason Hayes & Curran, I thank you for your continued support for our business in 2022 and we look forward to meeting you in person during 2023. We have planned a series of seminars and events for 2023 – in-person and via webinar - and encourage you to join MHC Brief to be kept up to date on the events and legal topics that matter most to you. We are here for you and your businesses and don’t hesitate to contact me or any of my Partners if we can be of help.
For 2023 the Year of the Rabbit, be strong, have courage and confidence in everything that you do and you will succeed. Wishing you all a peaceful and prosperous year ahead.
Keep well and stay safe,
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