MHC LLP in partnership with Trinity College Dublin Launch Online Legal Training for Child Protection & Welfare Practitioners
Monday 1st November 2021
Mason Hayes & Curran LLP in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin are delighted to launch our online training programme as part of the new micro-credential programme, which is launching this Autumn 2021 in Trinity College Dublin.
This is designed to meet the specific need for education and training in legal statutes and the application of those in practice for all health, social care and policing professionals working in the area of child protection and welfare. It is also relevant for those practitioners who are mandated persons or child safeguarding officers under the Children First Act 2015.
The sessions include:
Session 1: Framework for Child Protection Practice in Ireland
Overview of the main components of child protection legal structure; Irish Constitution, International Conventions, Irish Legislation including Children First Act 2015, Child Care Act 1991, Children and Family Relationships Act 2015, Criminal Justice Act 2021, National Vetting Act 2012.
Understanding how court proceedings work in Ireland
Preparing to provide report and evidence in child protection proceedings
Introduction to parental and children’s rights
Session 2: Children’s rights in court proceedings
What are the most relevant children’s rights in child protection?
How are these rights protected in practice?
Children First Act 2015- Impact for child protection and allied professionals
Children and Family Relationship Act 2015- Recognition of range of family types rights of children within these families
Session 3: The Voice of the child in court proceedings
Recording children’s statements and disclosures
Direct evidence from children
Role of Judge, Legal Representation and GAL for children
Session 4: Parental Rights in Public Law proceedings
What are the key parental rights in child protection?
Where do these rights come from?
What is proportionality in child protection?
How to balance children and parental rights in court proceedings
Commences: 1 November 2021. There will be 4 sessions - 1 per week from this date.
Applications: The closing date for applications is 5pm on 22 October 2021
Cost: This course will cost €450 per participant
Value: 5 ECTS and 30 hours of CPD
- Introductory video and audio/slide presentation - 1 hour
- Interactive learning (reading/case studies/learning journal) - 6+ hours
- All content available online, anytime
- Case studies and readings provided
- Live online workshop and Q&A session with course facilitators at end of the course
This course is designed to meet the specific need for education and training in legal statues and the application of those in practice for all health, social care, teaching and policing professionals working in the area of child protection and welfare. It is also relevant for those practitioners who are mandated persons or child safeguarding officers under the Children First Act 2015.
To REGISTER for the course,visit the School of Social Work and Social Policy website here.
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