US Businesses Contracting Under Irish Law

There has been an increasing trend in recent years for US companies to use Irish law as the governing law for their customer contracts and third-party service arrangement contracts in Europe and EMEA generally. This has to some extent been driven by Brexit as US companies which may have previously used English law have been encountering counterparties who are reluctant to use the governing law of a non-EU member state. This is a trend we expect to continue and indeed grow in years to come as the laws of the UK diverge further from the laws of the EU.

Irish law is a readily available option for US companies. Aside from the obvious advantage of the use of the English language and membership of the EU, Irish law is also a common law jurisdiction with very similar contractual principles and approaches to those used in the US and UK. This means that US law government contracts will require relatively limited amendments to make them subject to Irish law. Where there are issues to consider around, for example, consumer matters or sector specific regulatory requirements, our team brings significant expertise to bear to guide you through them.

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