Strategic Development Zones, sometimes referred to ask SDZs, were established in the Planning and Development Act 2000. SDZs are areas of land designated by the Government for development that is considered to be of social or economic importance. This development can be residential, commercial or industrial in nature.

Why are Strategic Development Zones important?

Following global crises like the Great Recession and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Strategic Development Zones have become increasingly important in navigating Ireland’s economic recovery. SDZs also serve to guide the country’s transition to a sustainable, developed country with sufficient infrastructure to support a growing population.

What is the process involved?

The process begins with The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage consulting with the relevant planning authorities and development agencies. They work together to propose an area of land that they feel is suitable to be designated as a Strategic Development Zone. The Government can then choose to designate the site for development if they agree that it would be of social or economic importance to do so.

The development agency must prepare a draft planning scheme, which will be submitted to the local authority. The scheme should describe:

  1. The type and extent of the proposed development
  2. Proposals relating to the overall design of the site, and
  3. The provision of services on the site, particularly in cases of proposed residential development

The planning authority will also decide whether an environmental assessment is required. The draft scheme will then be published in a local newspaper for public consideration, allowing both members of the public and the local authority to submit amendments or observations.

The planning authority will ultimately decide whether to allow the scheme to move forward, potentially integrating it into ongoing development plans in the area. If approved, the scheme will come into effect four weeks from the decision date. Notably, there is no appeals process for the planning authority's decision.

Success of the scheme

There have been a number of successful SDZ orders since the implementation of the scheme. These include sites such as:

  • Clonmagadden, Navan, Co.Meath
  • Clonburris, Co. Dublin
  • Hansfield, Blanchardstown, Co. Dublin
  • Poolbeg West, Co.Dublin
  • Cherrywood, Co.Dublin
  • Grand Canal Dock, Co.Dublin

While no two SDZ schemes are the same, many focus on improvements to the standard of living in the area, including:

  • Enhancing public transport links to and around the area
  • Maximising land use by regenerating vacant sites
  • Developing residential areas, and
  • Ancillary infrastructure

What is the future for Strategic Development Zones in Ireland?

As Ireland grapples with the current housing crisis, the development of Strategic Development Zones will become increasingly important, particularly in the context of the provision of affordable housing. Other challenges such as a growing population and the need for sustainable development require the tactical and strategic allocation of land and development plans. These will be facilitated by the increased utilisation of the Strategic Development Zoning process.

This is an area of law that is changing rapidly, particularly with the incoming Planning and Development Bill 2023. However, Strategic Development Zones are set to remain an integral part of Ireland’s development and regeneration plans.

The content of this article is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other advice.

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