Education Charity and Not-for-Profit
Since the vast majority of education providers in Ireland are registered charities, we assist these clients with a range of charity-related matters, in addition to advices relating to legal structure, governance and compliance matters.
We are supported by our colleagues on our Education Team who are the leading advisors on employment matters, litigation and dispute resolution for the education sector.
We are particularly conscious of the importance of ensuring that the legal and governance structure of educational bodies reflects the intended mission, ethos and vision of the body, and we have significant expertise in assisting such bodies to enshrine these values within their legal structure.
We assist educational charities on a regular basis with their interactions with the Charities Regulator (and the Revenue Commissioners, where applicable) to ensure that they can continue to focus on delivering their educational purpose in full compliance with the requirements of charity law and best practice.
Our clients include primary and secondary schools, universities, institutes of technology, other third level colleges and educational institutions. We also act for primary and secondary school management bodies, patrons and trustee bodies.